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Featured at JETC

Volunteer Opportunities

Join us at JETC in one, or more, of our volunteer roles and activities!  Please be reminded that ALL positions require long periods of standing. If you are unable to stand for long periods of time, please do not sign-up.  You MUST be an SAME member to volunteer.  Also, for key roles, you must have Volunteered at JETC in the past.  Please note the date and time of your sign-ups, so they do not conflict with each other, with JETC sessions or events that you want to attend, or with other responsibilities. JETC Volunteer SignUpGenius link will be available on the "Volunteer at JETC" page on/about Feb 10, 2025.  

Volunteer Position Descriptions:

AOF Investiture Luncheon
Help set-up tables and organize plaques and medals.  Receive attendee tickets and help attendees find their seats, if needed.

Badge Pickup
Help attendees print their badges and distribute conference materials. Keep stations stocked and tidy.

Bag Stuffing
Assist with set-up for conference bag stuffing assembly line, add materials to conference bags.

Bag Stuffing Captain
This is a physical position.  It requires the ability to lift boxes, move rolling bins, and move around the tote stuffing area. If you are physically limited, please do not sign up for this role. Overall this position requires the volunteer to: Help organize the setup of the tote stuffing area; Get teams organized and explains the assembly line process; Restock insert items to lines, as needed; Open boxes, break down and discard empty boxes; Jump into a line as necessary; Move full rolling bins and replaces with empty bins for totes; Assist any team members, as needed.

EAG Meeting Assistance
Assist with set-up, Other assistance, as needed.

Education Sessions Monitor Captain (By Invitation)
Train session monitors, get scanners setup, make sure room counts are received for every session; fill in for no-shows.

Education Sessions/Warfighter/ Monitor
Scan badges for PDH credit, pass microphones, take room counts.  After each session, refresh water bottles on stage for the next session's speakers.

Exhibit Hall Badge Checker
During exhibitor move-in hours, help those trying to get into the hall with incorrect credentials.  Check to see if they are with an exhibiting company.  If yes, give them the correct holder and mark them on the provided list.

Help Desk
Ensure individuals need to be helped at the Help Desk; redirect them as necessary. Assist with re-stocking attendee bags and the ribbon wall.Micro Session Theater Monitor
Direct participants to seating, record attendance counts for each session, assist speakers in opening slide deck, promptly report any a/v issues to SAME staff.  After each session, do a clean sweep of the area and communicate with SAME staff, as needed.

New Member and FTA (First Time Attendee) Meet and Greet
Help with setup; take tickets from attendees.  Other assistance, as needed.

Onsite Registration Assistance
Help individuals who want to register onsite for the event.  Other assistance, as needed.

Opening Reception Assistance
Help attendees get to the offsite location, take tickets from attendees. Other assistance, as needed.

Post Presidents Luncheon
Help with set-up; Be available for assistance, as needed.

Pre-Conference Workshop Monitor
attendees, support the session as needed.

Registration Volunteer Captain
Train registration volunteers/fill in for no-shows, help SAME registration staff where needed. Be liaison between satellite stations and SAME Registration Manager. (By Invitation) - If you are interested in one of these positions, please contact registration@same.org

(SAME) Photo Booth Assistance
Help attendees take their photo at the SAME booth. Other assistance, as needed.

Society Ball Assistance
Help attendees find their place-cards; direct them to the seating chart to locate their table number; assist with locating table in Ballroom.

Volunteer Lounge Concierge Co-Captain
Assist SAME Staff lead to manage all volunteers for check-in/out for shifts, provide reminders of responsibilities, assist with volunteer shirts, help with emergency/ad-hoc needs. Assist with filling for no-show slots and coordinating with other Captains.


Exhibit Hall Learning Lab Assistance (Combining the Micro Session Theater and GeoWerx)

Assist with sessions that take place inside the Exhibit Hall.

Listening Sessions Assistance
Check-in attendees (invitation only event) and support the session, as needed.