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Featured at JETC

Justify Your Attendance

We’re excited that you’re looking to incorporate JETC into your schedule and want to support your case to help you attend. Only at JETC will you find everything you need to strengthen your organization’s mission and advance your professional potential.

Check out these REASONS to attend JETC!

  • Engage in unrivaled training and education opportunities including a Joint Engineering Warfighting Exercise, Joint Geospatial Engineering Seminar, GEOWerx Live Demonstration, and FAM Forum, Examining Pressing Facility Asset Management Issues.
  • Attend more than 70 educational and training sessions (and earn PDHs, including AIA credits)
  • Explore an Exhibit Hall featuring 200+ Leading A/E/C Companies and find solutions for your agency or service.Hear more from colleagues and experts how your profession is tackling the infrastructure-related national security issues
  • Access JETC on-demand. Experience what you want to learn about on YOUR schedule!

Learn, connect, and collaborate with more than 2,000 professionals from across the military engineering community, private industry, federal agencies, and academia! JETC offers a unique mix education, training, leader development, networking, innovation, and so much more.

Need approval to attend? Download the JETC Justification Letter