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Featured at JETC

Attendee Registration Form


Welcome to the ATTENDEE Registration Form for 
SAME's 2025 Joint Engineer Training Conference (JETC)
Before you begin the registration process please read carefully:
  • Please note: the Pre-Conference sessions, AOF Investiture Luncheon, and Society Ball are NOT included with Registration, but can be added on the Registration Type/Fees page.
  • You do not need to be an SAME member to attend this conference.
  • To obtain the member rate for your individual registration, you must hold a membership in SAME; either Individually or on your company's Corporate membership. If your company has a Corporate membership, this does not automatically mean all employees are members of SAME.
  • If you would like to become an SAME member, you can do that during the registration process.
  • Are you with an Exhibiting Company? If your company has an exhibit booth and you will need access to the Exhibit Hall outside of show hours (i.e. set-up/tear-down, morning booth preparations, etc.) you need to register using the Booth Staff Registration Form, not this Attendee Registration Form. Booths must be paid in full before you can register. All price types are available through the Booth Staff Registration Form.
  • Are you a Speaker/Moderator? Speakers and Moderators should register through the Speaker Registration Form located in the Speaker Service Center (SSC); not this Attendee Registration Form. Your login to the Speaker Service Center will be sent to you by our Education Team.
  • Are you registering a Spouse/Guest? Please register through the Spouse/Guest Registration Form. (This registration is for a personal guest, and is not intended for Government or Industry professionals, business partners, or clients.)
Please click the "Start" below to begin the individual attendee registration process.