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FAM Forum (MAIN)

This year’s FAM Forum is set to explore the new challenges of DoD Asset Management. With the  rising effects of climate and extreme weather coupled with aging assets and constrained budgets, the need for strategic analysis to enable decisions and risk management is greater than ever. What new questions do we need to ask of our Facility Assessments and SMS? What innovative approaches can we learn from the Public/private sector? Using a collaborative seminar format to catalyze dialogues and idea sharing we will explore these new challenges and summarize them to Senior Leaders in DoD Installation Management. Wherever you are on your asset management journey, new or seasoned professional, we invite you to be a part of these exciting discoveries at the FAM Forum. 

Your Input is Needed - Please take the 2 forum surveys to help benchmark the issues we'll discuss during the Forum.

Forum #1: Renovating BUILDER: What We Need SMS to do for DoD Facility Assets
Builder Survey: Gain an understanding of how the community of SAME members interact with BUILDER and what you need BUILDER to do for you.

Forum #2: Instituting Higher Learning into DoD: Asset Management strategies from the Public/Private and Educational Institutions
Higher Learning Survey: Benchmark how the community conducts their Asset Management program in their respective organizations.


Who Should Attend

  • Government: Installation Asset Managers, Energy Managers, Intermediate and Higher Headquarters personnel working FSRM POM, Enterprise Asset Managers
  • Industry: Asset managing services, A/Es for Facility Condition assessments


Day 1, Wednesday, May 15, 2024

10:30 am - 1:00 pm - FAM Forum In-brief (lunch available)
(Introductions, Description of Topics, Objectives, Desired Outcomes, and Senior Leader Guidance)
Open to all JETC Participants to observe, ask questions, etc.

3:00 pm - 4:00 pm - Break-outs
4:30 pm - 5:30 pm - Break-outs

Open to all JETC Participants to observe, ask questions, etc.

– Forum #1: Renovating BUILDER: What We Need SMS to do for DoD Facility Assets

– Forum #2: Instituting Higher Learning into DoD: Asset Management strategies from the Public/Private and Educational Institutions

Day 2, Thursday, May 16, 2024

9:00 am - 10:00 am - Break-outs
10:30 am - 11:30 am - Break-outs

Open to all JETC Participants to observe, ask questions, etc.

– Forum #1: Renovating BUILDER: What We Need SMS to do for DoD Facility Assets

– Forum #2: Instituting Higher Learning into DoD: Asset Management strategies from the Public/Private and Educational Institutions

1:00 pm - 3:00 pm - FAM Forum Out-brief
Open to all JETC Participants to observe, ask questions, etc.


Forum #1: Renovating BUILDER: What We Need SMS to do for DoD Assets

With the rising interests in facility energy, resilience and climate change, the spectrum of Facility Asset Management has widen for DoD installations. BUILDER SMS initial feature was condition index based on field collected building system data and sustainment actions based on condition analysis. Today, asset managers need greater insight into their facilities beyond condition index to achieve electrification, energy use reductions, increase robustness against extreme weather, reduced use of carbon produced materials. Post pandemic and hybrid work environments are also driving a new level of space management and space functionality. These new demands are layered on top of the original job of optimizing building lifecycle costs particularly in light of underfunded sustainment dollars. What new features does BUILDER SMS need to answer these new demands? FAM Forum will facilitate collaborative discussions on what renovating BUILDER SMS for today’s asset management demands.  

Learning Objectives

  • Explore SMS needed features for local base level (Planning, execution, risk management, prioritization).
  • Explore Enterprise Level (analysis for proposed policy, POM impact assessments, metrics tracking). 
  • Explore adding other complimentary data sets for enhancing analysis.

Recommended Pre-Work

  1. Read White paper on the SMS we need (to be drafted) 
  2. Review session templates and facilitation guide 

Break-out Group Sessions

  • Session 1: BUILDER SMS Needs at Installation Level
  • Session 2: BUILDER SMS Needs at Enterprise Level


Michael Zapata, P.E., AFCEC
Carole Mahady, LMI
Matt Anderson, P.E., PMP, ATKINS North America

Forum #2: Instituting Higher Learning into DoD: Asset Management Strategies from Public/Private and Educational Institutions

The continuing challenge of funding of DoD asset sustainment drives the need to look at innovative management and decision analysis. The Private/Public/Education institutions are similar campus like facilities that have established asset management systems and processes to planned strategic investments and managed cost risks. Exploring these processes and comparing to DoD challenges can reveal opportunities for changes/ improvements and provide context for “barrier” analysis in funding/execution cycles.

Learning Objectives

  • Compare private/public/educational institutions to DoD in operating contexts including asset management system, financial management, life-cycle planning, cost estimates, focusing funding, and risk management.
  • Discuss facets of strategic planning, resource decision making, and budgeting beyond one-year funding.
  • Explore barriers to increasing Agility of Rightsizing facilities and implementing space management.

Recommended Pre-Work

  1. Read National Academies’ Strategies to Renew Federal Facilities
  2. Review session templates and facilitation guide
  3. APPA Publications (TBD) 


Jeff Freemyer, ManTech
Rigo Cisneros, Jacobs Engineering
Jim Wink, P.E., F.SAME, Huitt-Zollars, Inc.