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Warfighter Seminar

Join us during JETC 2023 for the Warfighter Seminar. These sessions will host interactions and partnerships between industry and government and will discuss and resolve current Engineer challenges. Details on the schedule and seminars are provided below.


Day 1, Tuesday, May 2, 2023

12:00 pm - 2:30 pm
Combined Group In-Brief (introductions, description of seminars, objectives, desired outcomes, and Senior Leader Guidance)

– Open to all JETC Participants to observe, ask questions, etc.

3:00 pm - 5:00 pm - Seminar #1:Adaptability of Multiple Award Contingency Contracts to Current Global Threats

– Open to all JETC Participants to observe, ask questions, etc

4:00 pm - 5:00 pm - Seminar #2: Mission Recovery from a Cyber Physical System (CPS) Attack to a Domestic National Security Asset

– Open to all JETC Participants to observe, ask questions, etc.

Day 2, Wednesday, May 3, 2023

10:30 am - 12:30 pm - Seminar #1: Adaptability of Multiple Award Contingency Contracts to Current Global Threats

– Open to all JETC Participants to observe, ask questions, etc.

10:30 am - 12:30 pm - Seminar #2: Mission Recovery from a Cyber Physical System (CPS) Attack to a Domestic National Security Asset

– Open to all JETC Participants to observe, ask questions, etc.

12:30 pm - 2:00 pm - Out-Brief Prep

2:30 pm - 5:00 pm - Combined Group Out-Brief (findings, possible paths forward, and Senior Leader Comments)

– Open to all JETC Participants to observe, ask questions, etc.


Seminar #1: Adaptability of Multiple Award Contingency Contracts to Current Global Threats

Multiple Award Contingency Contracts, such as LOGCAP, AFCAP, GCSMAC and GCCMAC, have been in place for nearly three decades and have served as force multipliers during a wide range of global contingencies to include combat operations and natural disasters.  Also, over the decades the USA has entered multiple “Treaties in Force” and Country Agreements with other nations which have direct impact on contract risk, cost, and schedule when urgent requirements arise.  Now and in the future, threats in INDOPACOM will likely stress these “workhorse contracts” and those dedicated “battlefield contractors” who must execute complex taskings for deliberate and contingency construction and logistics in numerous countries each with their own governing relationship with the USA. Looking ahead, it is time to examine strengths and weaknesses of these critical contract vehicles and associated foreign nation agreements; and, to identify necessary structural and process adjustments to ensure speedy, effective, and cost-efficient response to evermore challenging combined military and civilian Engineer Operations in the remote and increasingly dangerous Western Pacific and elsewhere around the globe.  

Learning Objectives

  • Understand the capabilities of the current Contingency Contracts and the Contractors who execute contingency Task Orders.
  • Understand the types of Treaties in Force and Country Agreements and the basic protections they may or may not provide.
  • Learn the contracting and financial requirements which regulate the award and administration of Contingency Contracts.
  • Analyze the effectiveness of the current competitive contract/task order award process and its responsiveness to military operations.
  • Discuss the need to adjust contingency contract terms and conditions to balance operational, security, logistics and host nation risks. 
  • Recommend how best to incorporate the requirements for “Contingency Contractors on the Battlefield” into formal OPLAN Annexes.

Moderator: Rear Adm. Chuck Kubic, P.E., F.SAME, USN (Ret.), Kubic Engineer Group
Co-Leader: Col. Matthew Beverly, USAF, PACAF Civil Engineer Consultant
Co-Leader: Lt. Col. Rick Sloop, USAF (Ret.), Fluor Mission Solution


Capt. Chris Coggins, CEC, USN, INDOPACOM J44
Lt. Col. Seth M. Lorimer, USAF, INDOPACOM J442
William F. Boudra, NAVFAC Pacific
TBD, NAVFAC Contracting Officer
Dominic Sparacio, P.E., Deputy Director, Expeditionary Directorate, NAVFAC
James Garred, 772 ESS/PKD
Robert Mellerski, AFCEC/CXA
TBD, GCCMAC NAVFACLANT Contracting Officer
TBD, GSCMAC NAVFACPAC Contracting Officer
Col. Robert Nicholson, USA (Ret.), KBR
Maj. Gen. Steve Shapiro, USA (Ret.), Vectrus
David Bluestein, ECC

Seminar #2: Mission Recovery from a Cyber Physical System (CPS) Attack to a Domestic National Security Asset

National Defense Strategies have noted that the homeland is no longer a sanctuary. America is a target, whether from terrorists seeking to attack our citizens; malicious cyber activity against personal, commercial, or government infrastructure; or political and information subversion. Increasing digital connectivity of all aspects of life, business, government, and military creates significant vulnerabilities. During conflict, attacks against our critical defense, government, and economic infrastructure must be anticipated.

Using a designed scenario specifically targeting a mission essential building system at a notional military asset to deny a national security mission, the panel will discuss the processes and protocols needed by military engineers to meet federal guidance to quickly identify, protect, detect, respond, and recover from a cyber-physical attack. The scenario will highlight the operational technology mapping requirements for national security critical assets required by Congress via Sec 1505 of the National Security Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2022.

The discussion will focus on roles and responsibilities of building systems military, industry, and contractor stakeholders to mitigate the risk and impact of a cyber attack, spanning from building design through continuous facility operations. The seminar will review and/or develop tactics, techniques, and procedures to immediately respond to and recover essential mission functions. The scenario includes input from building system manufacturers, supply chain specialists, facility designers, facility operators, and cyber security experts, providing engineers unique insights and a comprehensive understanding of the risks.

Learning Objectives

  • Review processes to identify critical systems and cyber vulnerabilities within a risk management framework;  
  • Identify proactive measures to protect critical systems and mitigate risk of a cyber physical attack;
  • Present methods to detect and confirm the origin and method of a cyber attack and damage assessment;
  • Develop checklists and protocols to quickly isolate, respond and communicate progress to the incident;
  • Assess options, probabilities and timing for the recovery missional essential system; and 
  • Identify programs to share information within the National Security command structure on the incident

Moderator: Lucian Niemeyer, CEO Building Cyber Security
Co-Leader: Brian May, Senior Vice President - Air Force Market Lead, Michael Baker International
Co-Leader: Daryl Haegley, SL, GICSP,OCP Department of the Air Force Technical Director, DAF Control Systems Cyber Resiliency
Co-Leader: David A. Forbes, Principal, Booz | Allen | Hamilton 
Panelists include representatives from the following agencies and companies:


Government Industry
HQ NAVFAC US Corps of Engineers Aleta Technolgies Chinook Sytems
US Space Command US Northern Command Claroty HDR
US INDO PACOM Command US Central Command Lutron Nozomi Networks
    RMC Salas O'Brien