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FAM Forum

Building on last year’s success and in response to recent developments and Government stakeholder challenge sets, the FAM Forum will be organized into two topics to focus on both strategic and operational considerations:

 –Topic 1: A “How-To” Guide to Develop Facility Renewal Strategies

 –Topic 2: It's Not Just Tactical

Hear from asset management leaders and innovators from outside of Government who will share best practices and new models, as well as leveraging government-driven innovation resources. The event will include panel discussions, working groups, Ted talk-style idea pitches, and a “petting zoo” of new technology. It will be a fun, fast, and interactive option for JETC attendees!

We are currently seeking “Challenge Questions” to further inform the event. Submit your ideas here: or QR code.



Day 1, Tuesday, May 2, 2023

12:00 pm - 2:30 pm - Combined Group In-Brief
introductions, description of seminars, objectives, desired outcomes,
and Senior Leader Guidance
(Combined with Warfighter Seminar In-Brief)

– Open to all JETC Participants to observe, ask questions, etc.

3:00 pm - 5:00 pm - Working Sessions/Topic Break-outs

– Topic 1: A “How-To” Guide to Develop Facility Renewal Strategies
– Open to all JETC Participants to observe, ask questions, etc.

– Topic 2: It's Not Just Tactical: Addressing the Strategic Threads in Facilities Operations
– Open to all JETC Participants to observe, ask questions, etc.


Day 2, Wednesday, May 3, 2023

10:30 am - 12:30 pm - Working Sessions/Topic Break-outs

– Topic 1: A “How-To” Guide to Develop Facility Renewal Strategies  
Open to all JETC Participants to observe, ask questions, etc.

– Topic 2: It's Not Just Tactical: Base Operations and Management of Remote Facilities
– Open to all JETC Participants to observe, ask questions, etc.

12:30 pm - 2:00 pm - Out-Brief Prep

2:30 pm - 5:00 pm - Combined Group Out-Brief
(findings, possible paths forward, and Senior Leader Comments)
(Combined with Warfighter Seminar Out-Brief)

– Open to all JETC Participants to observe, ask questions, etc.


Who Should Attend

Anyone involved in the management of existing facilities and infrastructure. Anyone who has new ideas for improving facilities operations through better contracting, technology, or strategy.

Topic #1: A "How-To" Guide to Develop Facility Renewal Strategies

An in-depth study released by the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine conclusively determined that Federal policy fails to ensure and assure best use of limited funding for facility capital and major maintenance requirements. This report recognizes this as a systematic failure, evidenced by chronic deferred maintenance backlogs and excess inventory. The report provides guidance on how-to make risk-informed resource and investment decisions for facility portfolios. In the first working session, the Vice Chair of this report will moderate a panel with asset management leaders from inside and outside of government to identify opportunities for improvement. Governmental participants will then be challenged to innovate risk-informed facility investment decision making. In the second session, seminar participants will organize around topics contained in the report to generate objectives and key results that can drive needed change. Topic areas include:

  • How to promote and incentivize risk-informed investment decision making
  • How  to communicate investment strategies through Real Property Capital Plans
  • What data, metrics and models are needed to drive change leading to better outcomes
  • What policy changes are needed to create Facility Renewal Strategies

Learning Objectives

  • Learn how disciplined asset management systems support risk-informed decision making
  • Learn how Federal policy has failed to effectively management facility portfolios
  • Learn how to better coordinate facility capital and major maintenance programs
  • Learn about leading facility investment models, metrics and measures
  • Learn strategies to overcome facility investment barriers and limitations

Recommended Pre-Work

  1. Attend or review a recording of our preparatory webinar or
  2. Review the National Academies study or 
  3. Review your organization’s policy, strategy, procedures, and systems used to prioritize and program capital and major maintenance requirements.

Seminar Moderator:  Jack Dempsey, Founder and Principal, Asset Management Partnership

Seminar Co-Leader:   Jeff Freemyer, Sr. Asset Management Advisor, Definitive Logic

Seminar Co-Leader:   Carole Mahady PE PMP Practice Area Lead, Capital Infrastructure and Real Estate, LMI

Panelists (Invited):

  • Roger Gerber, Chief, Real Property Asset Management Division, Army G-9 (Installations) confirmed
  • William Kidd, Director, G4 Facilities and Logistics, Installation Management Command (IMCOM) confirmed
  • Brenda Roesch, RLA, AICP, LEED AP, Enterprise Manager, Facilities Sustainment & Recapitalization, Air Force Installation & Mission Support Center confirmed
  • Lance Marrano, Senior Scientific Technical Manager - Smart Installations and Infrastructure, USACE ERDC
  • Mike Roschel, Chief Civil Engineer (incoming), USCG 

Topic #2: It's Not Just Tactical

There is great excitement about modernization of installations, but facility operations tools and contracts are still not optimized for innovation. And, not all facilities are located on a base! Most service branches and many federal agencies must also manage remote and dispersed facilities effectively, which presents unique challenges. This seminar will explore how to infuse strategic thinking and action into facilities operations in these two unique environments, focused on operational readiness, data and technology, execution structures, and human capital. The first session will feature a panel discussion of facilities operations leaders, and the second session will be working groups centered around the two operational environments. Interactive demonstrations of technology will support dialogue, and a short series of Ted Talk-style idea pitches will be used as thought-starters. 

Learning Objectives

  • Review  the current state of facilities operations contract.
  • Identify barriers and constraints to innovation in existing contracts.
  • Assess how internal resources and contracts need to evolve in alignment with Installations of the Future.
  • Explore strategies for maintaining facilities in remote and dispersed locations.
  • Interact with technology and ideas that can support facility management in both environments.

Recommended Pre-Work

  1. Review previous SAME initiatives around Base Operations Support improvement: 
  2. Pitch an idea for how to improve BOS or management of remote facilities in a 5-slide 5-minute Ted Talk style deck. You may submit your deck with notes, or a video recording. You might be selected to pitch your idea during the seminar! Submit to:

Seminar Moderator:  Rigo Cisneros, Federal Director - Installation Readiness & Modernization, Jacobs

Seminar Co-Leader:   Glady Singh, Head of Strategy and Business Innovation, International Consulting Associates, Inc.

Seminar Co-Leader:   Jim Wink, Vice President and Managing Principal at Huitt-Zollars, Inc.

Panelists (Invited):

  • Russell K. Weniger, P.E., Enterprise Manager, Facility Operations, Chief, Operations Branch, Installation Engineering Division, Air Force Installation & Mission Support Center confirmed
  • Peter S. Lynch, PE, PMP, PEO Industrial Infrastructure, NAVFAC confirmed
  • Ismael Melendez, Branch Chief for Buildings and Grounds, IMCOM G-4 confirmed
  • Lance Marrano,Science & Technology Advisor - Innovation Integration for Tyndall AFB, ERDC confirmed
  • Lowell Usrey, Chief Technology Integration Officer, AFWERX confirmed