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JETC 2023 Joint Geospatial Engineering Seminar - 4 PDH (additional registration)

Monday, May 1, 2023
1:00 - 5:00 p.m. CDT | Room 007CD
Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center

$99 for SAME Members / $129 for Non-Members

U.S. Government & Military:
$29 for SAME Members / $39 for Non-Members

Students: Complimentary registration

Already registered for JETC? Email and request that the Geospatial Seminar be added to your registration.

This unique pre-JETC seminar brings together geospatial leaders from DoD, USG, Industry, and Academia discussing topics impacting geospatial engineers ability to enable location data as a weapon system supporting warfighting, contingency, and installation requirements. The aim is to expand Joint engagement and awareness of geospatial engineer processes and digital capabilities providing common operating data facilitating exceptional context, insight, and actionable information for operations around the globe. The capstone of this Industry-Government Engagement (IGE) event will be an out brief to the Warfighting Seminar participants, including but not limited to DoD’s Service Engineer Chiefs, Combatant Command Engineers, Service’s Installation Management Engineer leaders, and industry partners.

Who Should Attend?

ENGINEERS (DoD & Industry) wanting to expand their ability to treat data as a weapon system for operational effects across DoD mission domains

Why Should You Attend?

Location matters. The DoD Data Strategy states “leaders will leverage data as a weapon system for operational effects.”  ENGINEERING better decisions, like constructing and maintaining physical structures, begins with a sound foundation. This seminar comprised of senior Industry and Department of Defense leaders and geospatial engineering subject matter experts will offer insight on how ENGINEER data, products, and services provide that foundation for all DoD missions. 


1:00 – 1:10 p.m.

Opening Comments by Rear Adm. Mark Handley, P.E., F.SAME, USN (Ret.), Senior Vice President, Federal Programs, AECOM

1:10 – 2:10 p.m.

Warfighting Panel

2:10 – 2:30 p.m.


2:30 – 3:30 p.m.

Contingency Operations Panel

3:30 – 3:50 p.m.


3:50 – 4:50 p.m.

Installation Management Panel

4:50 – 5:00 p.m.

Closing Comments


Learn more about the Panelists here.

Warfighting: The evolution of warfare more than ever requires speed and agility to comprehensively understand a myriad of complex operating environments simultaneously. In every phase of military operations ENGINEERS collect, generate, analyze, and support visualization of location enabled data supporting cross-functional understanding for action by Joint Forces. This session will focus on current and emerging capabilities, and opportunities to strengthen Joint interoperability accelerating shared situational awareness bolstering operational dominance.

  • Col. Kevin Golinghorst, P.E., USA, Commander, St. Louis District, USACE (Moderator)
  • Col. Chad Ramskugler, USA, U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command Proponent Office-Geospatial
  • CW4 Jason Feser, USA (Ret.), Principal, Perigean
  • Master Sgt. Scott Ensign, GISP,  USAF (Ret.), Geospatial Subject Matter Expert, Department of the Air Force, GeoBase Program Manager, and Air Force Civil Engineer Center Geospatial Integration Officer

Contingency Operations: Contingency operations often occur with limited or no-notice. These diverse types of operations include but are not limited to response to natural or man-made disasters, providing regional & local stability, or preparing for kinetic operating environments. The ability to effectively respond requires proactive Joint Information Preparation of the Operating Environment delivering advanced knowledge of the area of operation. This session will focus on ENGINEER digital preparation, capabilities and processes enabling timely reduction of challenges related to the vast pool of disparate data sources and tools, dramatically improving mission execution no matter the location, event, or mission partner. 

  • Col. Bill Haight, P.E., F.SAME, USA (Ret.), Senior Vice President at WSP Federal Programs at WSP USA (Moderator)
  • Lt. Col. Shannon McDonald, USAF (Ret.), Environmental Health Policy, Office of the Surgeon General, Department of the Air Force
  • Carter Christopher, Ph.D., Human Dynamics R&D, Oak Ridge National Lab
  • George Ohanian, Director, Warfighter Support Directorate, U.S. Army Geospatial Center

Installation Management: U.S. Military Installations are unmatched power projection platforms. From inception to divestment ENGINEERS deliver common operating data supporting planning, designing, constructing, maintaining, and securing of these assets. This session will focus on Department of Defense Installation Geospatial Information & Services (IGI&S) capabilities and activities providing the digital foundation on which these power projection platforms operate.

  • Lt. Cmdr. Patrick Durnan, P.E., USN, Director, Facilities Engineering and Acquisition Division, Naval Facilities Engineering Command (Moderator)
  • Justin Goering, GISP, Facilities Enterprise Integration, Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps
  • David LaBranche, P.E., Geospatial Information Officer, Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense, Energy, Installations, and Environment & Defense Installations Spatial Data Infrastructure Program Manager, Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense - Real Property
  • David O'Brien, C-Fed, President, SurvTech Solutions, Inc.

JECO Warfighter Seminar Joint Geospatial Engineering Out-Brief: ENGINEERS deliver location-enabled data as a weapon system providing critical insight empowering the masters of terrain, and those they support. This session will provide Warfighter Seminar participants, including DoD Engineer senior leaders, an overview of the major take aways and recommendations gleaned from the Joint Geospatial Engineering Seminar. This is a 1-hour session providing Engineer Chiefs, COCOM Engineers, senior leaders, and industry partners major take-aways (challenges/ recommendations) from Monday’s seminar. Moderators of each session will provide a 15-minute overview and take-aways of their session to the Warfighting Seminar participants.

Learning Objectives

  • Expand awareness and leveraging of DoD and industry Geospatial Engineering capabilities underpinning all DoD engineer operations.
  • Identify challenges and recommended solutions strengthening ENGINEERS ability to leverage data as a weapon system.
  • Recognition that ENGINEERING data challenges are primarily cultural, not technological.
  • Increase understanding of and interest in the DoD Geospatial Engineering community and SAME's Geospatial Working Group.